
Button displays an action, summons a popup or modal, and changes elements of the website. On the VTS platform, they are used in table, popover, model, cards, pagination.


Aria attributes
aria-labelledby= “label”
Annotates the label of the button.
aria-describedby= “types”
Indicates the button types


1. Variant

The button comes in five variants: primary, secondary, secondary-neutral, tertiary and tertiary-neutral.

2. Icon

The button icons comes in three options: leading, trailing, and none.

3. Shape

There are two shape styles: pill and square. Make the decision based on visual context.

4. Size

The button comes in 3 sizes: large, medium, and small. Make the decision based on visual context.

The larger button in marketplace with 48px height is not supported by terra and may need to be extended internally for product specific use.

5. Label weight

There are two weight designers can choose from, regular and heavy. Make the decision based on visual context.

The extra small uses the regular weight only.

6. Fitting

There are two ways to fit a button on the screen: content-fit and layout-fit. In content-fit button’s width is expanded to fit the content width. In layout-fit, the button’s width is stretched to the container’s width. In both cases, the maximum width of the button is same as the parent container.


All buttons have default, hover, focused, active (pressed) and disabled.

Touch interface

Apple’s iPhone Human Interface Guidelines recommends a minimum touch area of 44 px by 44 px for the touch screen to be accessible for all the users.

Always add extra margins to ensure a minimum 44px height touch area on touch screens.

Keyboard experience

Button involves only one action. Users only need to tap one key to trigger the action.

Screen reader experience


TDS buttons suports on TDS icons.


When the button’s label hits the bound of the container, the labels reflow to the next line. However, this is undesired. Do not put long texts on the label.

1. Layout-fit

The button spans the entire width of the parent container.

2. Content-fit

The button expands to fit the content as much as it can within the confines of the parent container and then starts wrapping the label to the next line.

Visual specs


The button expands to fit the content as much as it can within the confines of the parent container and then starts wrapping the label to the next line.


For content-fit buttons, the padding between container and content group keeps the same.

The top and bottom padding are always consistent regardless of the fitting choices.

Icon size

For content-fit buttons, the padding between container and content group keeps the same.

Icon only button

The icon only button has fixed height, width and margin.

The icon size differs for different button sizes.